September 15th 2024 Firmwares

The current version of the Roll Limitless (which looks like a square) has the ability to update its firmware.


First you will need to put the adapter in firmware updating mode. There is a rectangular button on the top of the adapter, near the microusb port. Hold this button down while plugging the adapter into a computer. The adapter will show up as a flash drive. Put a firmware file on the flash drive, and the adapter will automatically update to use that firmware. After putting the firmware file on the flash drive, the adapter will stop showing up as a flash drive. At this point you can plug the adapter back into the console.


Check out!/RLFirmwares for an easier way to browse firmwares


Available Firmwares:




Rock Band - (link)

Guitar Hero - (link)

Rock Revolution - (link)

Rock band 3 (360) - (link)

- Rock Band and Guitar Hero Firmwares work on PS2/3/4/5, XB1/Series, 360, Wii, and natively on PS4 with a compatible PS4 controller attached

- Guitar Hero firmware will show up as a Guitar Hero 5 Lane Drum Kit on PS2/3 and 360

- Rock Revolution firmware works on PS3 and Xbox 360, and shows up as a Rock Revolution drum kit

- Rock Band 3 firmware fixes some issues specific to Rock Band 3 on Xbox 360.

- For more information on PS4 Native, go to

- Can be used with!/RLSettings to change settings




Rock Band  - (link)

Guitar Hero - (link)

- Works on PS3/4/5, XB1/Series, 360, Wii, and natively on PS4 with a compatible PS4 controller attached

- For more information on PS4 Native, go to

- Can be used with!/RLSettings to change settings


Fortnite Festival Pro - (link)

- Works on Fortnite Festival on PS4/5, XB1/Series, and PC

- PS4/5 requires a 3rd party PS4 controller. For more information, go to

- XB1/Series and PC requires an Xbox One/Series controller. Controller must be plugged into the RL initially.

- Select on the guitar will act as Left for easier Overdrive activation. Select and touchpad (on PS4/5) on the controller will still work normally


Fortnite Festival Pro on Keyboard - (link)

- Fortnite Festival supports using a computer keyboard to play Pro Lead/Bass. This firmware will show up as a keyboard with the keybinds set to the default Pro Lead/Bass ones. A controller connected directly to the console is recommended for navigating menus.


Fortnite Festival Pro on Controller - (link)

- Fortnite Festival supports using a controller to play Pro Lead/Bass. This firmware will show up as a controller with the keybinds set to the default Pro Lead/Bass ones. If a PS3/4/5 or 360/One/Series controller is connected to the RL, it's buttons will act normally, so you can navigate menus.

- This firmware is required to play Pro on a Nintendo Switch. The Switch must be docked and on before plugging in the RL



Default Guitar (link): This Firmware will make the guitar show up as a PS3 Rock Band guitar. This will allow the adapter to be used in all PlayStation Rock Band and Guitar Hero games, except for Guitar Hero 3. Holding any of the red buttons on the adapter while plugging the adapter into the PlayStation will make the adapter show up as a Guitar Hero guitar, allowing it to be used in Guitar Hero 3. This is the default firmware included on the adapter.

Guitar GH Mode (link): This Firmware will make the guitar show up as a PS3 Guitar Hero guitar without holding down any buttons. This will allow the adapter to be used on Guitar Hero 3.

Fortnite Festival Pro Keyboard (link) : Shows up as a computer keyboard with the default keybinds for Fortnite Festival Pro. A controller connected directly to the console is needed to control menus


Beta Firmwares:

These Firmwares are the most recent version of each firmware, but have not been tested enough to be officially released yet



(Rock Band / Guitar Hero / Rock Revolution / Rock Band 3)

- Enhanced USB Hub support vs standard Universal firmwares. Can authenticate on Xbox 360 through a USB Hub

Xbox 360 (old):

These firmwares are here for legacy purposes, for most people, the Universal firmware will work better

Rock Band 3 Drums (link)

Rock Band 1/2/Lego/Beatles/Green Day Drums (link)

Guitar Hero Drums (link)

Rock Revolution Drums (link)

- An Xbox 360 controller must be plugged into the USB Port of the Roll Limitless for authentication. Once authentication has occurred, a green light will come on near the microusb port of the Roll Limitless. Authentication usually happens within 5-10 seconds. Once authenticated, you can unplug the controller.

- If the Xbox 360 controller lights up, but authentication does not occur, try unplugging and replugging the Roll Limitless into the Xbox 360. If authentication still does not occur after a few attempts, try restarting the Xbox

- The Xbox 360 Controller should light up when plugged in. If it does not, ask bookreader52 to add your Xbox 360 controller to the firmware.



- Allows Stock Kits and MIDI drums to be used on Taiko no Tatsujin games on PS4/5, XB1/Series, and Switch.
- (Rock Band) Red Pad = (Taiko) Left Blue
- (Rock Band) Yellow Pad = (Taiko) Left Red
- (Rock Band) Blue Pad = (Taiko) Right Red
- (Rock Band) Green Pad = (Taiko) Right Blue
- For Drum Controller Type in-game, chose Type 4 - Taiko Drum (for PS4/5 and Switch) or Type 1 (for XB1/Series)
- For more information on PS4 mode, go to


4 Lane Drums (link)

5 Lane Drums (link)

 - Can be used on the Guitar Hero World Tour on Windows



- Forced the Roll Limitless into PS3 Mode, useful if PS3 mode is needed on a PC

- For actual PS3s, the main Universal firmware should work

Fortnite Festival:


- Shows up as a keyboard

- With default controls, from left to right notes are Kick-Red Pad-Yellow Pad-Blue Pad-Green Pad, with Green Cymbal mapped to OD activation

- A controller connected directly to the console should be used to control the game outside of songs

DrumMania (PS2):


- Allows the Roll Limitless to be plugged into a Brook PS3/4 to PS2 adapter to play PS2 DrumMania games

- A controller will need to be plugged into the Roll Limitless to navigate menus. Then once in a song, any connected drums can be used.

- If the light on the Brook is flashing once the Roll Limitless is plugged in, unplug everything from the USB-A Port of the Roll Limitless. Then unplug/replug the Roll Limitless into the Brook, and then plug the USB device back into the Roll Limitless.




(Rock Band / Guitar Hero / Guitar Hero Live)

- Enhanced USB Hub support vs standard Universal firmwares. Can authenticate on Xbox 360 through a USB Hub

- Guitar Hero Live firmware allows Guitar Hero Live guitars to be used on Guitar Hero Live on other consoles



 - Can be used on the Guitar Hero games on Windows


Standard: (link / No Tilt)

Lefty: (link / No Tilt)

PS Remote Play: (link / No Tilt)

- Can be Used On DJMAX Respect on PS4, and DJMAX Respect V on XB1

- Frets are laid out to match 5 button charts. Tap the fret to hit the note (or strum after holding down a note to retrigger that note).

- Hold down whammy during side notes to hit them

- Tilting and the select button will both trigger Fever

- For more information on PS4 Native, go to

Fortnite Festival:


- Shows up as a keyboard

- Frets on Guitar are mapped to the default Fortnite Festival mappings on keyboard

- Tilt is mapped to H. To use tilt, map it in Fortnite keyboard settings

- A controller connected directly to the console should be used to control the game outside of songs


Pro Keys:

Rock Band 3 Pro Keys:


- Allows the Adapter to be used for Pro Keys in RB3 on PS3, 360, and Wii

- Supports PS3, 360 and Wii RB3 Keytars, and MIDI Keyboards

- PS3 and Wii Keytars require the original dongle. 360 Keytars require a 360 to USB receiver

- On MIDI Keyboards, Pitch Bend will act as Whammy

- On MIDI Keyboards, Sustain Pedal will activate overdrive. Alternatively, the B note directly below the playable area will also activate overdrive.

When using the firmware on 360...

- An Xbox 360 controller must be plugged into the USB Port of the Roll Limitless for authentication. Once authentication has occurred, a green light will come on near the microusb port of the Roll Limitless. Authentication usually happens within 5-10 seconds. Once authenticated, you can unplug the controller.

- If the Xbox 360 controller lights up, but authentication does not occur, try unplugging and replugging the Roll Limitless into the Xbox 360. If authentication still does not occur after a few attempts, try restarting the Xbox


Standard: link

PS Remote Play: link

- Can be Used On DJMAX Respect on PS4, and DJMAX Respect V on XB1

- Supports PS3, 360 and Wii RB3 Keytars, and MIDI Keyboards

- Lower C,D,E,F,G line up with 5 button mode

- Upper C,D,E,F,G,A line up with 6 button mode (with C#, D#/F#, G#, A#  for 8 button mode) 

- Hold down whammy (on keytars) or pitch bend (on MIDI keyboards) during side notes to hit them

- OD button (on keytars) and sustain pedals (on MIDI keyboards) trigger Fever

- For more information on PS4 Native, go to


Fortnite Festival:


- Shows up as a keyboard

- C,D,E,F,G are mapped to the default Fortnite Festival mappings on keyboard

- A controller connected directly to the console should be used to control the game outside of songs



Rock Band: link

Guitar Hero: link

- Keys will show up as a guitar instead of keys




Guitar Hero Layout: link

Fortnite Festival Layout: link

- Allows use of a controller to play guitar charts. The round Start button on the Roll Limitless switches between normal controller mode (for navigating menus) and guitar mode (for playing the song)

- Supports Xbox 360/One/Series, and PS3/4/5 controllers

- Guitar Hero Layout uses L2/L1/R1/R2/Cross

- Fortnite Festival Layout uses Left/Up/Square/Triangle/Cross

- X-Axis on the joysticks acts as Whammy, Select activates overdrive




- Allows use of a controller to play drums charts. The round Start button on the Roll Limitless switches between normal controller mode (for navigating menus) and drums mode (for playing the song)

- Supports Xbox 360/One/Series, and PS3/4/5 controllers

- Left/Square/Triangle/Circle are pads

- Cross/R1/R2 are cymbals

- L2 is kick


Pro Guitar:

17 Fret: (link)

22 Fret: (link)

- Allows the Adapter to be used for Pro Guitar in RB3 on PS3, 360, and Wii

- Works with:

  • Rock Band 3 Mustang and Squire Guitars
  • Jamstik 22/24 fret guitars
  • Fishman TriplePlay Wireless MIDI Pickup

- Mustang can be used with either the original dongle, or with a MIDI Cable

- Squire can be used through a MIDI cable

- A Jamstik can be plugged in through the USB-C port or by MIDI. Set the Jamstick to Multi-Channel Mode, starting on Channel 1

- The Fishman TriplePlay Wireless MIDI Pickups's dongle can be plugged in by USB. On the pickup, set MIDI Mode to Mono.

- Choose the 17 Fret firmware for the Mustang, 22 Fret for other guitars


DJ Hero Turntable:


 - Allows DJ Hero Turntables to be used on other consoles

- PS3 turntables require the corresponding dongle

- 360 turntables require a 360 to USB receiver

- Wii turntables require the Raphnet adapter


Fight Stick:


- Allows you to plug a USB Fight Stick into the Roll Limitless, and use it as a Fight Stick on other consoles

- Works on Fight Stick compatible games on PS3, PS4, PS5, Xbox 360, Xbox One/Series, and Nintendo Switch

- Xbox 360 and Xbox One/Series requires an original controller from that console to be plugged into the Roll Limitless initially for authentication

- PS4 and PS5 require a third party PS4 controller to be plugged in for authentication for the entire time the adapter is being used (A USB Hub can be used to plug the PS4 controller and Fight Stick in at the same time).

- For more information and a list of compatible Fighting Sticks, go to

- For more information on PS4 Native (and PS5), go to


Flight Stick (HOTAS):


- Allows you to plug a USB Flight Stick into the Roll Limitless, and use it as a Flight Stick on other consoles

- Works on Flight Stick compatible games on PS3, PS4, PS5, Xbox 360, and Xbox One/Series

- Xbox 360 and Xbox One/Series requires an original controller from that console to be plugged into the Roll Limitless initially for authentication

- PS4 and PS5 require a third party PS4 controller to be plugged in for authentication for the entire time the adapter is being used (A USB Hub can be used to plug the PS4 controller and Flight Stick in at the same time).

- Currently Works with Thrustmaster Hotas X, Hotas One, Hotas 4, and most Xbox 360 Flight Sticks

- Pedals work on PS4/5, and Xbox One/Series

- For more information on PS4 Native (and PS5), go to



Looking for an old firmware? The previous firmware page has been archived here